It is TB, Make it easier to communicate!

Reaction Translation

A lot of people who want something is easy and effective, I solved tha for you by adding this amazing future that contain everything you need "easy, fast, effective" and after all of these as you can see it is beautiful but he is missing something "how much you have to pay to get this future?" I want to say it is completly free !.

Auto Translation

As you saw before there are a future that helps you to translate very easy but this one if you want something works automaticlly without doing anything this one is for you and also it is free.

Role Translation

This one is my favorite, Let me explain it for you, With this future you can add a role with some language you choose for example I added role named "to_EN" and added English language for it and now when I give any one this role every text he send in any channel it will be translated to English so ths will help if you have users from a lot diffrent countries.


After all, There are amazing futures on this bot so the question is "How many languages are supported on this bot?" The answar will be "There are good enough languages from around the world, there are exactly more than 100 languages supported".

Privacy Policy


Data and information that we are use from our users
After all it is not just simplebot because he need some information from the users to works fine, such as when you add an auto translation channel the bot will need some information to translate the messages in that channel, Needed informations are [Channel ID, Server ID, Role ID], I know it is not that much but it is all what he need to work


How we protect our users data
It is very simple as you can see we are not collecting any sensitive data from the users and with that we are using a very powerful and secured data storage and it is "MongoDB" and it is very secured enough for your data